Got questions?

dont be shy, if you need help from simple questions to alot. feel free to ask me, i love helping people.

No matter how long the question is, you will always get a reply from me. you can count on that.



Sunday, June 14, 2009

P90X :Round 2: Day 7, Week 8 COMPLETED

decided to do some chest and back, ARX. feeling sore again but love it. stress manage to work its way back to me :( I now know a few more location to do charity work, need to call and setup a date when i can do this "usually takes about 3-4 months approval", they run back ground check and etc. but i know i will be able to do it. Still stressed about getting a job :( This is pretty pathetic, why does the Economy so suck. maybe when i get a chance to scrounge up some money i want to become a Beachbody coach and help more and more people on their path to greatness. helping people makes me happy. Well see how gathering some money goes. Well

I started to make another costume for charity/children hospital, trying to raise money to help kid's in need. Not having money to this is a bummer.

Trying to set up a date when i can do it again at couple of areas in Colorado, for homeless kids, and kids with special needs. Well i know this is a long shot but if you would like to send donation so i can continue to help people with P90X questions and nutrition. It would be greatly appreciated!

Also Donation for my charity for the children hospital and children that are in need. Any Donation is greatly appreciated! Send your donations to my email from Paypal.

My E-mail:

or here the link to to send money

Again any donation is greatly appreciated and bless your heart in caring.

Sorry for the off topic :)

Daily nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 23.1% (35 grams) "love flax seed XD"
Protein - 40.8% (141 grams)
Carbohydrates - 36.2% (125 grams) "again mmm OAT MEAL!!"
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,246

Daily grade A


P90X :Round 2: Day 6, Week 8 COMPLETED

Kenpo X ARX and some shoulders, arm's. what a good combo! feeling better I'm getting giddy about doing more charity work! maybe be spider man this time or war machine? i don't know yet. being a cool character/superhero really put a smile on the kids and also puts a smile on me. It also help raise money for the Children who are not so fortunate. oh here a picture of me as Ironman at the last Children hospital.

sorry about that on to the daily nutrition and daily grade!!

Daily Nutrition

Fat - 21.8% (32 grams)
Protein - 31.5% (103 grams)
Carbohydrates - 46.7% (153 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,216

Daily grade A-

P90X :Round 2: Day 5, Week 8 COMPLETED

Still feeling sore and answering a lot of emails about p90x and questions on it. So many people watched my youtube video of me and P90X. like wow i inspired a lot of people to get fit and change there life. just to know that relieves some stress. i feel happier!! got the work out done after i checked my email. added some ARX and more weights to it just for kicks. ok some off topic stuff i done some charity work and i only do it by myself since no one does it with me. Last time i went to the children hospital as IRONMAN and visited a couple of locations. Im planning to do more charity work pretty soon, but need to scrounge up some money to create a costume and raise a fun for children hospital, homeless children, and children with special needs. ok ok

Daily nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 33.8% (46 grams)
Protein - 38.5% (119 grams)
Carbohydrates - 27.7% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,233

Daily grade A-

P90X :Round 2: Day 4, Week 8 COMPLETED

Crush play harder and stronger, stress is slowly going away, and gotten more people to start there push play of P90X. I get some many e-Mails from people who need tip and what nutrition /help they can get. I love to help people and educated more people of Beachbody and the like of having a healthy life style. Still cant wait for Insanity to come out. maybe that help kill all the stress in my life.

Daily nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 9.2% (14 grams)
Protein - 46.8% (160 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.0% (151 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,193

Daily grade A

P90X :Round 2: Day 3, Week 8 COMPLETED

Well i pushed myself really hard yesterday and i feel sore! it something so satisfying about feeling sore and knowing it a good feeling. Only thing that keeps me going now is keeping up the workouts. even that still going down from stress of what its called life. Sigh, still holding my head up and still looking for a job, still no luck. :( Hope things look better tomorrow!

so far daily nutrition and daily grade.

Fat - 19.6% (40 grams)
Protein - 29.7% (138 grams)
Carbohydrates - 29.7% (138 grams)
Alcohol - 21.0% (56 grams)
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,245

Daily grade B-

P90X :Round 2: Day 2, Week 8 COMPLETED

wow stress is becoming too much. I'm loosing motivation and determination. struggling to keep going.. So much drama is pounding me to the ground even though im not giving up so easy. still crushed PLAY. I maybe late in updates but there all save in my drafts.

Fat - 13.4% (29 grams)
Protein - 40.2% (196 grams)
Carbohydrates - 46.4% (226 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,215

Daily Grade A-

P90X :Round 2: Day 1, Week 8 COMPLETED

recovery week, still done regular workout and added some more resistance to it since i felt i need to push harder. Still stressed, and trying to find a new job. hopefully thing pick up soon, bills are piling up and ... yeah you know the story.

Daily nutrition

Fat - 12.8% (27 grams)
Protein - 47.2% (222 grams)
Carbohydrates - 40.0% (188 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,236

Daily grade

Sunday, June 7, 2009

P90X :Round 2: Day 7, Week 7 Rest

just rested today, forgot my password and stuff. hope to bring it harder tomarrow!

Fat - 13.5% (29 grams)
Protein - 47.5% (229 grams)
Carbohydrates - 39.1% (189 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,271

grade for that day is A-

P90X :Round 2: Day 6, Week 7 COMPLETED

Kenpo X in the face and in the gut!!! i got a lot of anger and stress out today. Anyways i sweated alot this time, but was hard to keep focus with a lot of things. I went to the interview today and it went very well. They said they'll give me a call after they review my app and interview. Hopefully i get this job it would be awesome!! doing more with my computer talent and skill.I just don't do it for money but i have a passion for it!! :D My mood is pretty happy hoping i will get this job!!! YAY.



Fat - 8.4% (12 grams)
Protein - 69.3% (227 grams)
Carbohydrates - 22.3% (73 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,287

Grade A

P90X :Round 2: Day 5, Week 7 COMPLETED

Yoga X... :D doing yoga x helped relived some stress, but not all, i gotten a call back from the computer store and got an interview tomorrow!! :D Maybe finally i get a chance to use my brain power instead of strength :D. Wish me luck. going to get some sleep good night everyone!!!

Daily Nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 10.1% (14 grams)
Protein - 55.7% (193 grams)
Carbohydrates - 33.2% (109 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,240

Daily Grade A

P90X :Round 2: Day 4, Week 7 COMPLETED

Legs and back... this time i pushed myself to the MAX!! to the point where it burned alot, Especially in ARX. The stress is still clawing at me, and still there. trust me im not dramatic, but when thing in life gets you down hard, this is one of the moment for me and still still happening. How sad...... Hope it get better, went job hunthing at a computer place was hiring, and i went an applied. hopefully i can get the job :D.

Daily nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 5.5% (8 grams)
Protein - 62.0% (197 grams)
Carbohydrates - 32.5% (111 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,249

Grade A

P90X :Round 2: Day 3, Week 7 COMPLETED

Todays work out felt like i really didn't push myself cause of the stress. SIGH.... DAMMIT!! trying to use the stress as fuel but not working as planned :( Every time i get to have something good, or and thing going well. It either being takin away or being blown up in my face... P90X is the only thing still going good for me, but slowly slipping away, but stressful life occurrences. I'm still push hard, but i feel like im not pushing harder. another reason why i have late updates is because stress is screwing me up and not taking time to update :(

Daily nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 5.5% (8 grams)
Protein - 32.0% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 62.5% (197 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,249

Grade A

P90X :Round 2: Day 2, Week 7 COMPLETED

Plyo still making me sweat like a wet towel XD hehehe. theres something that making me feel unmotivated to keep going :(. I mean its like something wants me to fail and give up like always. i guess for one getting replaced at my job is a bad one to aswell. Yeah... i lost my job because of my injured back WTF?!?! now i mneed to find a new job to pay bills and buy food for my mom and dad :( FUCK! "sorry for my language". Well still going to push forward and keep going, but it like getting slowly broken down and this sucks....

Daily nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 12.8% (18 grams)
Protein - 46.8% (183 grams)
Carbohydrates - 40.4% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,254

Daily Grade A

Monday, June 1, 2009

P90X :Round 2: Day 1, Week 7 COMPLETED

finished! sorry for the late update again, so much stuff going on. after doing the workout i felt like a beast :D hiope everyone is still kickin tail :D

Daily nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 12.8% (18 grams)
Protein - 42.8% (133 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.4% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,244

Daily Grade A