Feeling alot better got some Aleve for my head aches and it took the edge off. Kenpo X was tiring as usual but fun, today was Zombie Crawl 2010. it wasn't much people from last years over 4-5k+ people/zombies. i decided to go as regular human tony stark lol. any ways
Daily nutrition and daily grade.
Fat - 10.9% (16 grams)
Protein - 40.0% (130 grams)
Carbohydrates - 49.1% (159 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,276
Daily grade A
***********Round 4 was completed***********
-did not have time to post since this last one
My path to greatness with P90x extreme home workout. My Names Anthony Le and this is my journey. Live with a passion and no regrets. - Anthony Le

Got questions?
dont be shy, if you need help from simple questions to alot. feel free to ask me, i love helping people.
No matter how long the question is, you will always get a reply from me. you can count on that.
No matter how long the question is, you will always get a reply from me. you can count on that.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
P90X Round 4: Day 5 Week 2 Completed
Today my head ache is a bit worse, but still manage to get through and crush play. immune system getting stronger and less feeling sick. overall feeling better ever so slightly. Legs and back still feels good but hate the wall squats still XDD.
still have to push harder in ARX.
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 8.3% (25 grams)
Protein - 77.6% (475 grams)
Carbohydrates - 21.1% (30 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,181
Daily Grade A-
still have to push harder in ARX.
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 8.3% (25 grams)
Protein - 77.6% (475 grams)
Carbohydrates - 21.1% (30 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,181
Daily Grade A-
P90X Round 4: Day 4 Week 2 Completed
still dragging along since this head ache is kicking my butt. but manage to get this work out done. kinda hard to focus since im still a bit sick. nutrition is really good though.
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 29.2% (17 grams)
Protein - 75.1% (175 grams)
Carbohydrates - 35.8% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,274
Daily grade A+
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 29.2% (17 grams)
Protein - 75.1% (175 grams)
Carbohydrates - 35.8% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,274
Daily grade A+
Thursday, October 21, 2010
P90X Round 4: Day 3 Week 2 Completed
Today my fever was an all time high, and my body really hated me. Took some med and kept pushing play, nothing can stop me! i love helping people as i love helping myself get fit. Afterward took some nitequil and felt a bit better after i woke up. hopefully tomorrow when i wake up i can feel 100% and still kick some ass.
Daily diet and nutrition
Fat - 11.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 40.6% (139 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.4% (166 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,208
Daily Grade A-
Daily diet and nutrition
Fat - 11.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 40.6% (139 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.4% (166 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,208
Daily Grade A-
P90X Round 4: Day 2 Week 2 Completed
Oh man i think my fever got worse, and my body aches all over like how haters would annoy you. As i still pushed forward and felt the good old burn from plyometrics. it was worth the crushing of the play XDD.
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 13.4% (18 grams)
Protein - 57.7% (176 grams)
Carbohydrates - 27.0% (82 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 1.9%
Total Calories Consumed 1,219
Grade A
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 13.4% (18 grams)
Protein - 57.7% (176 grams)
Carbohydrates - 27.0% (82 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 1.9%
Total Calories Consumed 1,219
Grade A
P90X Round 4: Day 1 Week 2 Completed
My fever been acting up again, but still not letting it get the best of me. Chest and back went a bit harder due to my illness, but i pushed past it before and i can do it again. Im pretty stubborn but hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger XD. Soreness is just a bit present. eh it still feels good.
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.7% (18 grams)
Protein - 41.1% (129 grams)
Carbohydrates - 46.2% (145 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,255
Daily grade -A
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.7% (18 grams)
Protein - 41.1% (129 grams)
Carbohydrates - 46.2% (145 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,255
Daily grade -A
P90X Round 4: Day 7 Week 1 Rest
just hanging out at home my fever is kinda gone, so just rested up and finished some more stuff and added info to my website www.masterle.org. i also went to the gun show with my awesome girl friend, and had a blast, she was sick too due to a fever aswell. took care of her and all in all it was a fun day
alot of things i find it funny how many people can judge someone else with out taking time to get to know someone. its kinda sad. any ways.
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.6% (18 grams)
Protein - 31.6% (99 grams)
Carbohydrates - 55.8% (175 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,256
Daily grade A-
alot of things i find it funny how many people can judge someone else with out taking time to get to know someone. its kinda sad. any ways.
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.6% (18 grams)
Protein - 31.6% (99 grams)
Carbohydrates - 55.8% (175 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,256
Daily grade A-
P90X Round 4: Day 6 Week 1 Completed
Kenpo X still feels great to keep feeling the sweat of pretending to kick someones ass. still feeling under the weather and gotta keep on keeping on.
Eating still going good as for nutrition goes
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 3.7% (5 grams)
Protein - 50.6% (159 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (143 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,237
Daily Grade
Eating still going good as for nutrition goes
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 3.7% (5 grams)
Protein - 50.6% (159 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (143 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,237
Daily Grade
Saturday, October 16, 2010
P90X Round 4: Day 5 Week 1 Completed
Legs and back, oh man feel the good old burn from my butt and quads...whew wall squat are killer the way i remember it heheh. pushed hard today, cant wait for Kenpo X tomorrow.
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 3.7% (5 grams)
Protein - 50.6% (159 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (143 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,237
Daily Grade
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 3.7% (5 grams)
Protein - 50.6% (159 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (143 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,237
Daily Grade
P90X Round 4: Day 4 Week 1 Completed
Yoga, still always help me reduce stress, and keep kicking ass.
soreness still present, but feels good heheh.
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 26.6% (45 grams)
Protein - 18.1% (69 grams)
Carbohydrates - 55.3% (211 grams) "fruits and veggies "also a couple of slice of pizza" yeah i cheated :) only for today.
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,492
Daily grade A
soreness still present, but feels good heheh.
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 26.6% (45 grams)
Protein - 18.1% (69 grams)
Carbohydrates - 55.3% (211 grams) "fruits and veggies "also a couple of slice of pizza" yeah i cheated :) only for today.
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,492
Daily grade A
Thursday, October 14, 2010
P90X Round 4: Day 3 Week 1 Completed
Kick some ass, and felt the burn. Still kind of sore and all. Got some more updates to my website done. It feel great to push my body again, and feel the change through my body and Crush play. nutrition is being tweak very well and getting to be very clean and beneficial.
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 13.7%
Pro - 45.2%
Carb - 39.4%
Alcohol - 0%
Other - 1.7%
Total Calories Consumed 1,118
Grade B
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 13.7%
Pro - 45.2%
Carb - 39.4%
Alcohol - 0%
Other - 1.7%
Total Calories Consumed 1,118
Grade B
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
P90X Round 4: Day 2 Week 1 Completed
Pretty sore from yesterday, and had a pretty good diet today and crushed play. rock-star hops still kicks my add heheh. over all still good work out.
Daily nutrition
Fat - 32.9%
Pro - 37.7%
Carb - 29.4%
Alcohol - 0%
Other - 0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,340
Grade A
i really need to change the ratio of the intakes :/
Daily nutrition
Fat - 32.9%
Pro - 37.7%
Carb - 29.4%
Alcohol - 0%
Other - 0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,340
Grade A
i really need to change the ratio of the intakes :/
Monday, October 11, 2010
P90X Round 4: Day 1 Week 1 Completed
P90X round 4 starts today, and time to push past my limit. :D
Sofar so good, feel great to push myself again. the burn was great and pushing hard. still goto tweak my diet some more, but all is pretty good :D
Fat - 26.4%
Pro - 39.2%
Carb - 34.4%
Alcohol - 0%
Other - 0%
Total Calories: 1,193 cal
Grade: A
Sofar so good, feel great to push myself again. the burn was great and pushing hard. still goto tweak my diet some more, but all is pretty good :D
Fat - 26.4%
Pro - 39.2%
Carb - 34.4%
Alcohol - 0%
Other - 0%
Total Calories: 1,193 cal
Grade: A
P90X :Round 3: Completed "sorry for the very late update"
So far i attended pretty good hand full of con this year. Minus Anime Expo, Dragon con,but it was all worth it.
Having networking and met new awesome cosplayers and non cosplayers. Life is pretty much awesome! I been crazy busy with life and traveling doing things for EA games, traveling to London for Captain America filming stuff, to promotion tour for Iron man 2 "working for Paramount, Marvel and Jon Fav". I'm not one to brag much but just merely sharing my experiences in life.
Im not arrogant nor egotistical. I love and live life to the fullest of my abilities. Not only i represent myself but my fellow cosplayers, nerds, geeks, dorks, artists, etc. Just because i get lime light/fame doesn't turn me snobby. Im still me and still having fun with everyone.
I just believe that if everyone knew one another the world would be a nicer place. I never judge a book by its cover, rather then read the pages.
Like they say, haters will always hate. I'm always a nice person, and will never change that. hope everyone have a good year and be healthy.
Since i have more time on my hands and can focus on important things.
Having networking and met new awesome cosplayers and non cosplayers. Life is pretty much awesome! I been crazy busy with life and traveling doing things for EA games, traveling to London for Captain America filming stuff, to promotion tour for Iron man 2 "working for Paramount, Marvel and Jon Fav". I'm not one to brag much but just merely sharing my experiences in life.
Im not arrogant nor egotistical. I love and live life to the fullest of my abilities. Not only i represent myself but my fellow cosplayers, nerds, geeks, dorks, artists, etc. Just because i get lime light/fame doesn't turn me snobby. Im still me and still having fun with everyone.
I just believe that if everyone knew one another the world would be a nicer place. I never judge a book by its cover, rather then read the pages.
Like they say, haters will always hate. I'm always a nice person, and will never change that. hope everyone have a good year and be healthy.
Since i have more time on my hands and can focus on important things.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
P90X :Round 3: :Week 5: Day 7 -Rest
just resting up and leaving the convention. all in all it was a fun experiance. people love my war machine!!!
P90X :Round 3: :Week 5: Day 6 -P90X Confusion Mix- -Completed
Kenpo X, whew, feel so good to get some anger out and burn some cals at the same time!! :D still manage to work out and goto the anime convention whooot~
Daily nutrtion and daily grade
Fat - 16.8% (24 grams)
Protein - 43.7% (139 grams)
Carbohydrates - 39.5% (125 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,252
Daily grade B+
Daily nutrtion and daily grade
Fat - 16.8% (24 grams)
Protein - 43.7% (139 grams)
Carbohydrates - 39.5% (125 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,252
Daily grade B+
Monday, March 8, 2010
P90X :Round 3: :Week 5: Day 5 -P90X Confusion Mix- -Completed
Legs n back! i feel that, goottah get ready for Animeland Wasabi whoot!!! hope you guys have a fun week end!
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (164 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.9% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,236
Daily grade
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (164 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.9% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,236
Daily grade
P90X :Round 3: :Week 5: Day 4 -P90X Confusion Mix- -Completed
Yoga still my fav, and fell asleep doing svashas's corpse! XD oh man. lol brother still bringing it! Oh answering the questions/comments from my previous post. I done all the research, and know how far i can physically push my body. i listen to my body and i dont need someone to tell me what i can and cant do with my body. Things i do may seem crazy, but you want something done right you do it your self.
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 3.7% (5 grams)
Protein - 50.6% (159 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (143 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,237
Daily Grade
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 3.7% (5 grams)
Protein - 50.6% (159 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (143 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,237
Daily Grade
Thursday, March 4, 2010
P90X :Round 3: :Week 5: Day 3 -P90X Confusion Mix- -Completed
P90X Phase 1 & 2 Shoulders and arms, back and biceps and Ab ripper X x2 CRUSHED!!! WHOOT Bringing it HARDCORE! My older brother still bringing it hardcore, and keeping up with all the moves and so far all the work outs of P90X with me. hope everyone having fun, for me i cant wait for Animeland wasabi this Friday! whoot.
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 29.2% (17 grams)
Protein - 65.1% (175 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,274
Daily grade A+
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 29.2% (17 grams)
Protein - 65.1% (175 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,274
Daily grade A+
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
P90X :Round 3: :Week 5: Day 2 -P90X Confusion Mix- -Completed
Wow pushing myself a bit hard today and actually started to sweat again. I'm the type of person that doesn't sweat too often "don't know why, even with other crazy activities.", find it disgusting as it may but to some one like me who doesn't sweat means that I'm doing it right :D. Done day 2 and completed it with my brother. Still plyo, i hate it!... but i love it!!!
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 21.4% (32 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.8% (165 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,224
Daily grade A-
hope you guys are keeping up or leading the way, ALWAYS BRING IT AND CRUSH PLAY!!
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 21.4% (32 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.8% (165 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,224
Daily grade A-
hope you guys are keeping up or leading the way, ALWAYS BRING IT AND CRUSH PLAY!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
P90X :Round 3: :Week 5: Day 1 -P90X Confusion Mix- -Completed
Got done with Chest shoulders and arms/tris, and then 10 minutes later i done P90X phase 1 chest and back with my older brother to keep him motivated. It was sop fun and tiring at the same time hehehe oh man.... Later maybe in the morning will do some Plyo oh man. this is be fun heheh
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 8.4% (12 grams)
Protein - 69.3% (227 grams)
Carbohydrates - 22.3% (73 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,287
Grade A
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 8.4% (12 grams)
Protein - 69.3% (227 grams)
Carbohydrates - 22.3% (73 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,287
Grade A
Monday, March 1, 2010
P90X :Round 3: :Recovery WK: Week 4, Day 7 - Rest
P90X :Round 3: :Recovery WK: Week 4, Day 6 - Completed
Yoga X, last day of Recovery whoo!
still kicking tail, so my older brother want to restart P90X, and going to start Phase one with him to keep him company and still stay on track with my Phase 2 of P90X. whoa man.... lol but seem should be interesting.
hope everyone having a great weekend!
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 9.1% (13 grams)
Protein - 76.7% (198 grams)
Carbohydrates - 14.9% (90 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,277
Daily Grade
Team Beachbody
still kicking tail, so my older brother want to restart P90X, and going to start Phase one with him to keep him company and still stay on track with my Phase 2 of P90X. whoa man.... lol but seem should be interesting.
hope everyone having a great weekend!
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 9.1% (13 grams)
Protein - 76.7% (198 grams)
Carbohydrates - 14.9% (90 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,277
Daily Grade
Team Beachbody
P90X :Round 3: :Recovery WK: Week 4, Day 5 - Completed
Core Synergistics! WHOOT, super man... Banana! lol feels great. sry for the late update but still updating ^^. i have now become a beach body coach!
Team Beachbody
let me be your coach and help you in way other Beach body coaches cant!!! :D
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 17.0% (24 grams)
Protein - 39.8% (124 grams)
Carbohydrates - 42.0% (131 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 1.1%
Total Calories Consumed 1,243
Daily grade
Team Beachbody
let me be your coach and help you in way other Beach body coaches cant!!! :D
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 17.0% (24 grams)
Protein - 39.8% (124 grams)
Carbohydrates - 42.0% (131 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 1.1%
Total Calories Consumed 1,243
Daily grade
Thursday, February 25, 2010
P90X :Round 3: :Recovery WK: Week 4, Day 4 - Completed
Stretch X, what i needed today, mmm yay! hope every enjoying recovery week, can wait to start on phase 2!!!
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (164 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.9% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,236
Daily grade
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (164 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.9% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,236
Daily grade
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
P90X :Round 3: :Recovery WK: Week 4, Day 3 - Completed
Well it was pretty brutal hehehe. Decided to do Kenpo X Psycho doubles style! Sweated and had me Shakeology! 1 100% whole wheat bread, and a slice of ham. yum yum!! Today was a good work out and recovery day...
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 17.0% (24 grams)
Protein - 39.8% (124 grams)
Carbohydrates - 42.0% (131 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 1.1%
Total Calories Consumed 1,243
Daily grade
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 17.0% (24 grams)
Protein - 39.8% (124 grams)
Carbohydrates - 42.0% (131 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 1.1%
Total Calories Consumed 1,243
Daily grade
P90X :Round 3: :Recovery WK: Week 4, Day 2 - Completed
Cardio X, mmm crush play and destroyed it! done some extra work out "shoulder and arms" feels great!!
Daily nutrtion and daily grade
Fat - 20.3% (27 grams)
Protein - 31.4% (95 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.2% (146 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,162
Daily Grade
Daily nutrtion and daily grade
Fat - 20.3% (27 grams)
Protein - 31.4% (95 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.2% (146 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,162
Daily Grade
P90X :Round 3: :Recovery WK: Week 4, Day 1 - Completed
mmm yoga x.... enough said!!! heheh done arx as an extra :D
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 7.5% (11 grams)
Protein - 38.2% (123 grams)
Carbohydrates - 54.2% (174 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,254
daily grade A
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 7.5% (11 grams)
Protein - 38.2% (123 grams)
Carbohydrates - 54.2% (174 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,254
daily grade A
P90X :Round 3: Week 3, Day 7 - Rest
really wanted to go visit Beacbody on wilsire blvd "i think that what its called" but closed on the weekend :(. Just hung out with a fellow P90X'er/cosplayer as well. i had so much fun back in Cali! i need to move back!
i miss the sunny skies and the thing to do here.
i miss the sunny skies and the thing to do here.
P90X :Round 3: Week 3, Day 6 - Normal P90X round - Completed
Kenpo X!!!! JAB CROSS!! some spirit yells hahah. so much as a cardio burn whoot. hope everyone really push them self's in this work out cause i do!!! oh i forgot to mention that im in California right now! i left 2 days ago and still got my workout in!! yeahhhh!! hahah so no excuses!
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 21.4% (32 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.8% (165 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,224
Daily grade A
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 21.4% (32 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.8% (165 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,224
Daily grade A
P90X :Round 3: Week 3, Day 5 - Normal P90X round - Completed
mmm Legs and back!!! yay and the killer AB-ripper X! i hate it but i love it!!!
today i think i'll try the chocolate Shakeology today! wtime to finish up the final detail on my War Machine cosplay for iron man 2
Daily nutrition and grade
Fat - 15.4% (22 grams)
Protein - 29.5% (96 grams)
Carbohydrates - 55.0% (178 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,270
Grade -A
today i think i'll try the chocolate Shakeology today! wtime to finish up the final detail on my War Machine cosplay for iron man 2
Daily nutrition and grade
Fat - 15.4% (22 grams)
Protein - 29.5% (96 grams)
Carbohydrates - 55.0% (178 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,270
Grade -A
P90X :Round 3: Week 3, Day 4 - Normal P90X round - Completed
mmmm yoga! always the best! still trying to re-gain my flexibility again from that lower back injured! BOO! But still crushing play! sweating my butt off still trying to hold a position. hehehe hope everyone having a good week!
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (164 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.9% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,236
Daily grade
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 12.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (164 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.9% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,236
Daily grade
P90X :Round 3: Week 3, Day 3 - Normal P90X round - Completed
Well Finished Crushing play and now working on finishing up my Iron man 2 Cosplay War Machine

enjoy! cant wait for tomarrows work out!!
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 3.7% (5 grams)
Protein - 50.6% (159 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (143 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,237
Daily Grade
enjoy! cant wait for tomarrows work out!!
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 3.7% (5 grams)
Protein - 50.6% (159 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (143 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,237
Daily Grade
P90X :Round 3: Week 3, Day 2 - Normal P90X round - Completed
Crushed another workout today! and tried the green berry Shakeology! OMG so good. this is just drinked with just water. and still good!!! Plyo Still feels good as usually. remember to bring it and CRUSH PLAY!
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 17.0% (24 grams)
Protein - 39.8% (124 grams)
Carbohydrates - 42.0% (131 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 1.1%
Total Calories Consumed 1,243
Daily grade
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 17.0% (24 grams)
Protein - 39.8% (124 grams)
Carbohydrates - 42.0% (131 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 1.1%
Total Calories Consumed 1,243
Daily grade
P90X :Round 3: Week 3, Day 1 - Normal P90X round - Completed
YAY i got a package from Beachbody! it Shakeology! Wow just drinking it with just water is delicious!! they weren't lying about it when it good for you! Crush the work out as well! anyone has doubt and want to try shakeology try it!!
Daily nutrtion and daily grade
Fat - 16.8% (24 grams)
Protein - 43.7% (139 grams)
Carbohydrates - 39.5% (125 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,252
Daily grade B+
Daily nutrtion and daily grade
Fat - 16.8% (24 grams)
Protein - 43.7% (139 grams)
Carbohydrates - 39.5% (125 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,252
Daily grade B+
P90X :Round 3: Week 2, Day 7 - rest
just normal day of rest and relaxing. done some extra work out from p90x, but dident push hard.
Friday, February 12, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 2, Day 6 - Normal P90X round -Completed
sry for late update. workout went well. feels like it time for me to push harder ^^
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 9.1% (13 grams)
Protein - 76.7% (198 grams)
Carbohydrates - 14.9% (90 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,277
Daily Grade
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 9.1% (13 grams)
Protein - 76.7% (198 grams)
Carbohydrates - 14.9% (90 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,277
Daily Grade
P90X :Round 3: Week 2, Day 5 - Normal P90X round - Completed
legs and back and ab ripper x ^^ yummy, still great feel like doing it again later. I want to feel the burn much more. so hope everyone is having fun pushing play.
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 21.4% (32 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.8% (165 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,224
Daily grade A-
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 21.4% (32 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.8% (165 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,224
Daily grade A-
Thursday, February 11, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 2, Day 4 - Normal P90X round - Completed
Yoga X.. serious one of my favorite. its like my endorphins get released and im just stressed free and calm of mind. they way it should be.hmmmm so relaxed and SO HAPPY!
Fat - 21.4% (32 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.8% (165 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,224
Daily grade A-
Fat - 21.4% (32 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.8% (165 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,224
Daily grade A-
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 2, Day 3 - Normal P90X round - Completed
i feel like Arnold hahaha, need to refresh my supplies of protein. anyways feeling great and still crushing play. hang in there everyone
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 29.2% (17 grams)
Protein - 65.1% (175 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,264
Daily grade A
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 29.2% (17 grams)
Protein - 65.1% (175 grams)
Carbohydrates - 45.8% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,264
Daily grade A
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 2, Day 2 - Normal P90X round - Completed
What a day.. So much fun, but still pretty cold in Colorado. Anyways love plyo, but still hate rockstar hops XD. Cant wait for the 18th of Feb. I will be out there in California for visiting. also cant wait the week of 22nd of feb for the beachbody finals. i know everyone works hard at pushing play. cant wait to see the finalist ^^
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 33.8% (46 grams)
Protein - 38.5% (119 grams)
Carbohydrates - 27.7% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,233
Daily grade A-
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 33.8% (46 grams)
Protein - 38.5% (119 grams)
Carbohydrates - 27.7% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,233
Daily grade A-
P90X :Round 3: Week 2, Day 1 - Normal P90X round - Completed
Today work out went well, might do some more extra work out just for the hell of it. Hope you guys are enjoying my blog and keep on bringing it!
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 5.5% (8 grams)
Protein - 32.0% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 62.5% (197 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,249
Grade A
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 5.5% (8 grams)
Protein - 32.0% (101 grams)
Carbohydrates - 62.5% (197 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,249
Grade A
P90X :Round 3: Week 1, Day 7 - Rest
decided to take a rest for the super bowl!!! dont really watch much sports but really anticipated for the Iron Man 2 trailer!! ^^ kept my daily nutrition clean enjoy the week en every one!!!
P90X :Round 3: Week 1, Day 6 - Psycho Doubles - Completed
MMMMmmm nothing beat burning a heck of alot of cals then kenpo X back to back. Still loving this after 2 rounds of P90X. I gotten 4 people "friends" who are over weight and one scrawny. SO far so good after today it will be 1 week completed for them. doign the crazy thing i do in P90X seems to rub off onto them as well going for Psycho Doubles. Im very impressed that they kept up with me :D
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 8.4% (12 grams)
Protein - 69.3% (227 grams)
Carbohydrates - 22.3% (73 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,287
Grade A
Daily Nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 8.4% (12 grams)
Protein - 69.3% (227 grams)
Carbohydrates - 22.3% (73 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,287
Grade A
Friday, February 5, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 1, Day 5 - Dead man triples- Completed
oh man talk about pushing your body to the limits! yeah alot concern with the way i do things. yes it crazy and the way i eat is crazy. well i actually done research on what to eat that keep me full of energy, and still BRING IT!! Anyways i will soon become a beachbody coach, around February 28th 2010. or maybe sooner,
Daily nutrtion and daily grade
Fat - 20.3% (27 grams)
Protein - 31.4% (95 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.2% (146 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,162
Daily Grade
Daily nutrtion and daily grade
Fat - 20.3% (27 grams)
Protein - 31.4% (95 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.2% (146 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,162
Daily Grade
Thursday, February 4, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 1, Day 4 -Psycho Doubles- Completed
Yoga X, nothing beats getting rid of your stress of life and freeing your mind of all the crazy stuff. Still loving Yoga. put my mind at ease and i can sleep like a baby. :D
Daily Nutrition and daily grade.
Fat - 19.6% (40 grams)
Protein - 29.7% (138 grams)
Carbohydrates - 29.7% (138 grams)
Alcohol - 21.0% (56 grams)
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,245 "need to up my protein :)"
Daily grade B-
Daily Nutrition and daily grade.
Fat - 19.6% (40 grams)
Protein - 29.7% (138 grams)
Carbohydrates - 29.7% (138 grams)
Alcohol - 21.0% (56 grams)
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,245 "need to up my protein :)"
Daily grade B-
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 1, Day 3 -Dead Man Triples- Completed
HOLY HECK!!! so burned out and tired......Went all well, and certainly going to feel this 10 folds tomorrow....
Daily nutrition and daily grade
Fat - 9.2% (14 grams)
Protein - 46.8% (160 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.0% (151 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,193
Daily Grade A
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 1, Day 2 -Psycho Doubles- Completed
i have completed the Psycho doubles "Not the same as P90X double" of Plyo, wow how i missed the burning sensation of power!! it was intense! i will make s video pretty soon to explain the things I'm doing this first crazy week.
Fat - 12.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (164 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.9% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,236
Daily grade
Fat - 12.0% (17 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (164 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.9% (139 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%
Total Calories Consumed 1,236
Daily grade
Monday, February 1, 2010
P90X :Round 3: Week 1, Day 1 -Dead Man Triples- Completed
Just to throw my body off for the first week. i will be doing Psycho Doubles for a week then switch off. I'm going all or nothing, and i will strive harder to get shredded. Finished the first of the Psycho Double, will do the 2nd half later tonight. So as far is it concerns Day 1 completed. will update the full info in my daily nutrition later.
Update - i decided to take it a step further than Psycho doubles. Now its Dead man triples.
Term Psycho Doubles: Doing P90X 2x a day
-if you want to push your self a bit further.
Example: Kenpo X back to back
P90X calorie burn 600, by doing twice you burn 1,200 Cals
Term: Dead man Triple: Doing P90X 3x a day.
-Yeah i know its crazy/extreme but if you want to push your self harder. I want to go further in how intense and crazy i can be. by setting my mind in that I AM HARDCORE really does help.
Example: Chest and back Ab Ripper X twice back to back.
So in reality thats 1,047 Ab Ripper Moves, and total 2,400 Cals burned....wow
Also im the type of person who keep pushing until the end of the work out.
Daily Nutrition and daily Grade
Fat - 11.1% (10 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (97 grams)
Carbohydrates - 41.2% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0%
Other - 1.6%
Total Calories Consumed 838 "i know i had to miss something...
Daily Grade
Update - i decided to take it a step further than Psycho doubles. Now its Dead man triples.
Term Psycho Doubles: Doing P90X 2x a day
-if you want to push your self a bit further.
Example: Kenpo X back to back
P90X calorie burn 600, by doing twice you burn 1,200 Cals
Term: Dead man Triple: Doing P90X 3x a day.
-Yeah i know its crazy/extreme but if you want to push your self harder. I want to go further in how intense and crazy i can be. by setting my mind in that I AM HARDCORE really does help.
Example: Chest and back Ab Ripper X twice back to back.
So in reality thats 1,047 Ab Ripper Moves, and total 2,400 Cals burned....wow
Also im the type of person who keep pushing until the end of the work out.
Daily Nutrition and daily Grade
Fat - 11.1% (10 grams)
Protein - 46.2% (97 grams)
Carbohydrates - 41.2% (86 grams)
Alcohol - 0%
Other - 1.6%
Total Calories Consumed 838 "i know i had to miss something...
Daily Grade
------ P90X :Round 3: Re-loaded. 02-01-2010 ---------
Well to start off sorry for the lack of update. long story short. i just recovered from a lower back problem, that handicapped me from about 1 and 1/2 months. Now im back in gear and now ready to Crush play for the 3rd time. Most you of followed me sinced the first round of my journey. So now it the new day of reckoning.
i finally made it to the P90X commercial and I'm am real! not some paid person or what not. Hope you guys enjoy this new crush play of 90 day. This will be updated every day. enjoy.
here some pictures and the P90X video with me in it :D
i just hope i motivate you and inspire you to CRUSH PLAY!! i will soon become a beachbody coach :D so ill let you know when i do ^^
New P90X Commercial "im in it YAY"
My First round of p90x Result video spoof.
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