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Sunday, May 31, 2009

P90X :Round 2: Day 6, Week 6 COMPLETED

i cant stop watching this lol hehe

Kenpo X!!! At least i get some anger out but punching, kickin and screaming heheh. i decided to do some more ARX and Leg's and back again. Man oh man i feel so sore. i love it. I've gotten new people to start there push play of P90X. :D im happy im making changes in people lives. Once Insanity comes out in hoping on that train :D i need something more intensive and crazy! any ways

Daily nutrition and daily grade

Fat - 9.1% (13 grams)
Protein - 76.7% (198 grams)
Carbohydrates - 14.9% (90 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,277

Daily Grade


1 comment:

  1. great results man!

    can you share afew pointers on your meal? i would love to be in the shape you're one once i'm done!
