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Thursday, May 14, 2009

P90X :Round 2: Day 3, Week 4 COMPLETED

Kenpo X, and Ab ripper XXXXX.... yummy! work was very tiring and exhausting! Non the less. Anyways here some random rants. I keep hearing "P90X classes" pop up here in Colorado. It just pisses me off that "Independent Beachbody coaches does that. It's not like there do they have common sense? i mean like P90X is design for "Extreme home fitness" what there doing is making people pay to do the classes, and somewhat think there personal trainers. Argh... I dont know if im over reacting, but you know if you do the research beachbody took the time to put that together and make it easier for people to do the work out at home. Not for people to open up there own studio, and say that "try before you buy" BS.... but it's all a cover up because there charging people money for the "P90X classes" making profit where they dident really do shit in the first place. Benefiting from other people hard wrok... RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that angers me. ok ok enough of my random rants.

Daily nutrtion and daily grade

Fat - 13.5% (20 grams)
Protein - 41.9% (141 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.6% (150 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,279

Daily Grade


1 comment:

  1. wow people can do that? sounds illegal or something like that to me. By the way you are really an inspiration to me (haha..) and I'm starting p90X next week. Bet it's one of things I for sure won't regret doing in my life :D
