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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

P90X :Round 2: Day 2, Week 1 COMPLETED!!

hahahahahha!....HAHAH...oww....."whimpers a bit" hahahah PLYOMETRIC X!!! still kicking my butt, and i LOVE IT!!! My younger brother "23 years old" still bringing it. Today in Colorado is soo nice! if you live in Colorado you know XD anyways cant wait for shoulders arm and

"thought it be funny, not my video but found on your tube XD"

AB... RIPPER... X!!!! heheh. to everyone who follows my blog, BRING IT!!

Daily Nutrition and daily Grade.

Fat - 11.2% (16 grams)
Protein - 36.0% (114 grams)
Carbohydrates - 52.7% (167 grams) "mmm apples"
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Total Calories Consumed 1,271

Daily grade A-

1 comment:

  1. day 3 kicked my butt again, and i think im starting to like it, lol. just wondering, you say ur younger brother is 23, how old are you. i wouldnt have put you over 22
