Test fit 2 Results
-switch kicks- 185 reps
-power jacks- 80 reps
-power knee- 100 reps
-globe jumps- 25 reps
-suicide jumps- 30 reps
-push up jacks- 50 reps
-low plank obliques- 60 reps
Workout done at the Rec-center
Test fit 3 Results
-switch kicks- 200 reps = Improvement of 15 extra reps
-power jacks- 90 reps = Improvement of 10 extra reps
-power knee- 110 reps = Improvement of 10 extra reps
-globe jumps- 30 reps = Improvement of 5 extra reps
-suicide jumps- 40 reps = Improvement of 10 extra reps
-push up jacks- 65 reps = Improvement of 15 extra reps
-low plank obliques- 65 reps = Improvement of 5 extra reps
i wanted to save energy for the Max Interval Circuit, also wanted to be a bit more HARDCORE, i done an extra 30minutes of weight lifting and ab workout!!!
total workout time testfit 32mins, Max interval circuit 1 hour 3 minutes, then 30 minutes of weight lifting and ab workout.
Daily tip:always remember why your working out. Even when you talk to yourself to push harder. nothings wrong in doing so. it helps me when i tell myself to push harder and stronger!!!
Daily nutrition and daily grade!

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